Quite the Contrary . . .
Identity Theft Revisited
Six months after my identity theft problems began, I offer you these recovery suggestions not found elsewhere.
Inflation is Insidious
Think you know inflation when you see it? But what if you don’t see it? Inflation is insidious.
Engineers w/o a Degree
HR Departments focus on hiring chemical, civil, mechanical and electrical engineers. They should consider hiring a social engineer also.
Subscription Red Tide
Excess subscription costs are a financial red tide for many small companies: Too small to notice at first, yet potentially toxic.
Buzz Words
One man’s core competency may be another man’s buzz word. Even terms considered unassailable and positive may have different interpretations.
ID Theft Recovery: Next Phase
You’ve managed the first few days, post identity theft. You’ve stopped the initial bleeding. Here’s what you should do next.
ID Theft Recovery: First Steps
You have been hacked. You are a victim of identity theft. What should you do next? Here are some tips that go beyond the standard advice.
Identity Theft Recovery
US identity theft losses exceed $50 billion/yr. Surely such losses would engender an industry to help victims. No, victims are on their own.
Quitting Contagion
One resignation can lead to many more. The quitting contagion is real and no business is immune. Plan accordingly.
Upgrade to Windows 11
Should you upgrade to Windows 11? Yes. And if your computer fails to meet the Windows 11 hardware criteria, then upgrade that, too.
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