Quite the Contrary . . .
MBA Blues
Have we reached Peak MBA, the point at which the costs of obtaining an MBA are not justified by the returns?
Excel at 40
No need to use the DATEDIF or the YEARFRAC functions. The calculation is obvious. Excel is forty years old.
The Next Pandemic
Got through Covid-19 unscathed? Good for you. The lessons you learned will come in handy when the next pandemic strikes.
NPD Data Breach
Another day another data breach. True, but don’t ignore this one. NPD (National Public Data) probably exposed your data.
Data Are Forever
Data are forever. Heard that statement, or something like it, before? OK, but have your really considered what it means?
G Whiz
A G5 event could ruin your life and those of your children. Yet, most people do not even know what they are.
BitLocker’s Backdoor
Using BitLocker? Happy with your 128 bit encryption method and “secure” 48 digit encryption password? Think again.
You Will Be Hacked
It is not a question of if you will be hacked; it’s a question of when you will be hacked. Take steps now to prepare.
Bartleby Revisited
If you haven’t read the Bartleby column that appears each week in The Economist you should.
Permission Slip
Stop what you’re doing online. You may not realize it, but you need a Permission Slip. Get it now.
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