Tourist Trap Lessons

Take this brief refresher course on how to avoid tourist trap restaurants. It may save you from getting soaked.

Don’t Listen to Centenarians

Stop listening to centenarians. Their advice is suspect. Understand the concept of survivorship bias first.

G Whiz

A G5 event could ruin your life and those of your children. Yet, most people do not even know what they are.

BitLocker’s Backdoor

Using BitLocker? Happy with your 128 bit encryption method and “secure” 48 digit encryption password? Think again.

You Will Be Hacked

It is not a question of if you will be hacked; it’s a question of when you will be hacked. Take steps now to prepare.

Bartleby Revisited

If you haven’t read the Bartleby column that appears each week in The Economist you should.

Quite the Contrary . . .

Are Your Ready?

Are Your Ready?

Are you ready for an automated video interview (AVI)? AI-assisted or AI-led interviews are here to stay. Follow these steps to get ready.

Privacy Policies

Privacy Policies

If there’s one thing we can agree on, it’s privacy policies. We all click our approvals. Yet, have you ever read those policies? You should.

Juice Jacking

Juice Jacking

The FBI issued a warning about a crime called juice jacking. Boston authorities say it’s not a problem there. Maybe. Take these steps anyway.

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Peter Dragone - Co-founder of Keurig.