Quite the Contrary . . .
Mexican Standoff
Planning for the return of a pre-Covid, 2019-style job market could place you in a Mexican standoff with prospective hires.
Hybrid Work Predictions
Will the corporate workplace return to its pre-pandemic normal? Or, will hybrid work models persist? I’m betting on a new, hybrid work world.
Chief Impact Officer: Extraction Needed
Like wisdom teeth, Chief Impact Officers are superfluous. They show up late and can have a negative impact on those around them.
Revealed Preference
Surveys are wonderful but they don’t always reflect true consumer behavior. Take the time to understand the concept of revealed preference.
Barter, A Pandemic Success Story
Bartering has been around for many thousands of years. It still has a place in the modern world, particularly during these cash constrained times.
The NDA as a Noncompete Lite
Increasingly, noncompetition agreements (“noncompetes”) are being scrutinized by state legislatures. Many firms are looking to NDAs as an alternative.
Test Run Misconceptions
When is a test run not a test run? When cash-strapped or inexperienced entrepreneurs are involved. Plan properly, avoid these common pilot production run errors.
600 Lbs of Contract Manufacturing Lessons
Many startups thoroughly qualify their contract manufacturers, then take them for granted. Without continued vigilance and oversight disaster can follow.
The Reluctant Entrepreneur
Often, Founders have unstated, grandiose, long term goals for their businesses. These dreams can sometimes conflict with critical, short term strategic decisions.
Don’t Skimp on Legal Advice
Entrepreneurs are, by definition, not followers. They make their own paths. Nonetheless, they should should always seek out professional legal advice.
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