I have many clients who swear by their Apple products.  Whenever I mention an issue with my Microsoft device they merely raise their noses, shake their heads, and mumble about the advantages of MacOS 12.  So, a few weeks back, when Windows Update informed me that I could upgrade my desktop computer to Windows 11 for free, I was hesitant to click on the install button.  No, I was not considering a switch to a MacBook.  I’m too old for that.  Instead, I was remembering the difficulties I experienced upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10.

Is the upgrade worth the hassle?

Before I answer that question, consider this background information:  About six years ago Microsoft introduced its Windows 10 system.  After the lackluster introduction of Windows 8, this new offering was pitched as a significant upgrade.  For a short period of time subscribers with earlier Windows operating systems were allowed to upgrade, gratis.  It sounded like a win: win situation.  Until I attempted to upgrade my computers.  The process was more complicated than necessary and three out of my four upgrades failed.  Catastrophically.  The memory still rankles.

I am happy to say that the Windows 11 upgrade is almost seamless.  After little more time than it takes for a quotidian upgrade, my desktop is humming along smoothly.  My older apps still work as before.  Only my sheet-feed scanner is balking, but I remain optimistic its manufacturer will issue new Windows 11 drivers soon.

My only real complaint is a minor one.  Many computers will fail to meet the hardware requirements of the new operating system . . . computers like my aged laptop.  Yet, thanks to Windows 11, I now recognize exactly how dated that laptop is.  Four years is a very long time when measured in terms of computing capabilities.  Oh, well.  Time to get a new one.  The good news is that, despite supply chain disruptions, I had no difficulty buying a new, faster laptop with Windows 11.  Already installed.

So, don’t hesitate.  Upgrade to Windows 11 if you can.


Peter Dragone - Co-founder of Keurig.