Quite the Contrary . . .
Do Business Ethics Still Matter?
Do business ethics still matter or have some companies become too big to merit more than a slap on the wrist when they misbehave?
Texts and Clicks
Give me a clicky keyboard any time. Texting fails to provide the same, comforting, multi-sensory feedback. Nothing compares to typing on my trusty NMB Technologies Hi Tek.
Branding Your One Pager
Don’t lose sight of what an Executive Summary really is. It is tempting to give these documents a marketing makeover, but branding your one pager can prove detrimental.
Working for Equity: Do The Math
Sweat Equity. Working for equity can be a losing proposition. If you are considering joining a startup, be sure to do your math correctly.
Founder or Co-Founder
Founder or Co-Founder. These are coveted titles, but what do they really mean? Often, they mean far less than one might imagine.
Small Business Tax Reform is a Misnomer
Small business tax reform is a popular rallying cry. But what exactly constitutes a small business? If you own your own business you may be surprised.
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